My Passion in life is simply to Help Others
I served our country in the U.S. Air Force for 6 years. Then I served in the ministry for 13 years. Since Feb 2, 1999 I have served thousands of people in a home-based business F/T so they can be paid what they are worth, not what someone else thinks they are worth. It's a great joy when you can help others to have true time & financial freedom.
In the process of helping others, I went from being broke and heavily in debt, to working 100% from home (no local meetings, no home parties, no building with corporate events) and became debt-free and have earned multiple 7 figures. I continue to search for people who want to pay off all their debts and have an income that exceeds their best job income. Is that YOU?
In 1978 I put my faith only in the perfect and finished work of Jesus Christ's death, burial & resurrection to pay for all my sins, forgive me and give me eternal life. My faith & belief in God and His Word the Bible are the #1 most important part of my life. Click here for My Testimony. If you desire any information about God, the Bible, how to be forgiven and how to go to heaven when you die. Please contact me.
Or visit and study our GOOD NEWS page => www.rejoicing247.comFAMILY
Whether you have biological children, adopted children or children by marriage - children & grandchildren hold a very special place in our hearts. We willingly sacrifice for them and do things for them to help and benefit them in life. I love mine more and more every day.
Someone once told me, "Friends are the Family we chose." I'm not 100% sure of that, but it's close. I've been very blessed with friends all over the country and internationally. We can never have too many friends, and a handful of them are who we call our "Best Friends." I'm always open to adding new friends. How 'bout YOU?
"If you care about people, Learn from your mistakes & Never Quit, Your dreams will chase you down." ~ Michael Lancto
If you have NO money to start or you have a few hundred dollars - I can help you build an income that will be higher than your best job income in your life. I've helped over 1,000 people so far, and I am eager to help more. It is so much fun.
Feb 2, 1999 - I quit my last job and I've worked 100% from home ever since. I have helped scores of people to earn more working at home than they have earned on any job in their life. There is a system to having success at home. Like a recipe, you need all the ingredients and instructions if you want the outcome to be what you desire. I've earned multiple 7 figures working at home & now I'm debt-free and live life on my terms. I will show how to easily a profit of hundreds or thousands per month. If you truly want an online business that works then => click here for details !!
Here is a "Business in a Box" for you. Websites, Exit Popups, Link Trackers, Email Autoresponders, Traffic to your websites included every month, Tracking and more! In business for 15 years. Start for FREE or upgrade for only $27 to get ALL the great features, and my personal coaching and assistance. You don't need any experience. Follow our coaching and discover your highest income ever. Don't try to figure it out on your own. I am here to help you. Contact me with any questions => Click here now!
If you have any kind of business (especially if it is a nationwide or international business) getting people to SEE your business is a big part of growing your business. So many people struggle building an online business, and a big challenge for them is getting people to VIEW their website and offer. How would you like 100s or 1,000s of visitors to your website every month. Here is how we do just that. I invite you to contact me with any questions. I'm happy to give free advice. => Click here now!
Mike A.
Pastor & Team Leader
"Michael Lancto leads by example. He loves God, loves his family and he loves others. His passion to help others is very real."
Joyce R.
Accountant & Team Leader
"Michael is the most patient trainer you will ever find. Plus he is a wealth of tools, tips, training and support. He helps everyone!"
David H.
Financial Analyst
"Michael Lancto has been a very dear friend & business partner for many years. He is everything you will want in a coach and mentor."
I love studying the Bible. I always find something new. Prayer also is an important part of my life. Ok these first 2 are not hobbies, but very important to me. I am a movie fan: action, crime, forensics, mystery & comedy. I enjoy web design. I like to play cards and board games. Also I am a big Trivia fan. I love to learn. I am also a fan of ocean cruises. I'm blessed to have never experienced 'rough seas.' Cooking is another interest of mine. I have a few favorites like 'Taco Soup', 'Michael Burgers' and 'Corn Pudding.' But I also enjoy experimenting with new recipes. I often find great recipes on Youtube.com And I have to include Auto Racing, but mostly when I can watch a race with someone else, and we each pick 3 drivers we think will win.
1. God as my witness I will only tell you the truth.
2. I will not spam you
3. I will never give your info to any other company.
4. I will strive to be the best coach and mentor ever.
5. I am available Mon-Sat 11am-9pm EST
6. I have extended hours if you live out west.
7. I will stop contacting you immediately upon request.
8. I will not pressure you to do anything you don't want.
Copyright 1999 - 2022